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20th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation

Aktivität: Veranstaltungsorganisation und -teilnahmenBegleitung einer Sitzungsperiode

Personen und Einrichtungen


1 März 2023


Workshop "The potential of XR in resource efficient engineering – Where are we now and where are we going?"

We start the workshop with a short impulse. We describe the underlying collaborative research project KORESIL and its goal of increasing resource efficiency in manufacturing. This comprises a circular process chain with a closed material loop as well as the improvement of production environments and the support of human production workers by XR. In the end of the impulse, the XR apps are described: a web-based VR representation of the entire KORESIL process chain and five interactive AR applications of the main process steps:

• Extrusion of aluminium profiles (insight into the process incl. animation, highlighting and exploring machine components)
• Laser metal deposition (presentation of calculated and measured data, remote control)
• Robot assisted injection moulding (insight into the process incl. animation, guided machine instruction)
• Joining workstation (testing and evaluating predefined work station configurations)
• Disassembly and recycling (remote interaction of workers)

The impulse is followed by an explorative testing phase of the various XR applications. Throughout the testing, participants note down their experience and formulate first feedback.

Based on this, the discussion phase is used

• to structure the findings
• to discuss necessary improvements of the existing apps
• to make suggestions for further applications
• to put intended future developments in KORESIL up for discussion

We will conclude the workshop with a short wrap and some closing remarks.


Titel20th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation
KurztitelREV 2023
Dauer1 - 3 März 2023
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtPorto Palace Hotel


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