Forkel, Matthias et al. "Burning of woody debris dominates fire emissions in the Amazon and Cerrado". Nature geoscience. 2025, 18. 140–147.

Wetzel, Simeon and Stephan Mäs. "Context-Aware Search for Environmental Data Using Dense Retrieval". ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2024. 13 (2024)(11).

Gou, Junyang et al. High-resolution Greenland ice sheet mass anomalies from data fusion using graph neural networks. GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2024, 08 Oct 2024, Potsdam, Germany, Abstract, 2024.

Kappelsberger, Maria T. et al. "How well can satellite altimetry and firn models resolve Antarctic firn thickness variations?". The Cryosphere. 2024, 18(9). 4355-4378.

Marrs, Christopher and Matthias Forkel Zukunftsträchtige Möglichkeiten der Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung für das Monitoring in großen Bergbaufolgelandschaften. 52. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Bergbaufolgen der Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigun, 19 Sept 2024, Klein Kölzig, Germany, Presentation slides, 2024.

Willen, Matthias O. et al. Combination of GRACE/GRACE-FO and CryoSat-2 data resolves Glacial Isostatic Adjustment spatially and temporally in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, 14 Apr 2024, Wien, Austria, Abstract, 2024.

Wetzel, Simeon et al. "Spatial data infrastructure components to provide regional climate information services". Climate Services. 2024. 34.

Kosczor, Eric Mapping changes in structural diversity of the agricultural landscape of Saxony using historical remote sensing data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, 14 Apr 2024, Wien, Austria, Poster, 2024.

Willen, Matthias O. et al. "Globally consistent estimates of high-resolution Antarctic ice mass balance and spatially resolved glacial isostatic adjustment". The Cryosphere. 2024, 18(2024)(2). 775-790.

Dunkel, Alexander, Dirk Burghardt and Madalina Gugulica. "Generative Text-to-Image Diffusion for Automated Map Production Based on Geosocial Media Data". KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information. 2024, 74(2024)(1). 3-15.

Kosczor, Eric Analyzing changes in structural diversity of the agricultural landscape of Saxony using historic and modern remote sensing data. 11th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, 07 Jan 2024, Prague, Czech Republic, Poster, 2024.

Marrs, Christopher and Matthias Forkel "Die Anwendung der Fernerkundung in Bergbaufolgelandschaften - aktueller Fortschritt und Ausblick in die Zukunft"., Böhnert, Wolfgang Heidenfelder, Wolfram Rascher, Jochen (editors). Die Lausitz im Wandel: Vom Braunkohlebergbau zum Hotspot der Biodiversität - Erkenntnisse aus drei Jahrzehnten Biomanagement. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften - Geologische Vereinigung. (Exkursionsführer und Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, Vol. 270). 2024, 187-191.

Kugler, Lucas, Christine Wessollek, and Matthias Forkel Examining the reliability gap: Insights into forest canopy height using evidential Deep Learning. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024, 14 Apr 2024, Wien, Austria, Abstract, 2024.

Maj, Joanna. "Między encyklopedią a mapą. Interaktywne geowizualizacje jako narzędzie historii literatury". Teksty Drugie. 2024, 2(2). 319–336.

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Böhme, Sophia, Anne Bienert, and Katja Richter "Untersuchung des Potentials von multi-temporalen TLS-Daten zum Monitoring des Wachstums von Laubbäumen". DGPF-Jahrestagung 2024 (44. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF): Stadt, Land, Fluss - Daten vernetzen. ( Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., Vol. 32). 2024, 58-66.

Löchner, Marc, Alexander Dunkel, and Dirk Burghardt "Protecting privacy in volunteered geographic information processing"., Burghardt, Dirk Demidova, Elena Keim, Daniel A. (editors). Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualization and Social Context. Springer Nature. 2023, 277-297.

Kinalczyk, Daniel, Matthias Forkel and Jos de Laat Identification and description of fire emission plumes from Sentinel-5p observations. EC-ESA Joint Earth System Science Initiative, 22 Nov 2023, Frascati, Italy, Poster, 2023.

Liebold, Frank et al. "A Bi-Radial Model for Lens Distortion Correction of Low-Cost UAV Cameras". Remote Sensing. 2023. 15(22).

Bayramov, Emil et al. "Remote Surveillance of Differential Deformation for Kazakhstan Offshore Kashagan Oilfield Using Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing". Remote sensing. 2023. 15(2023)(19).

Gröbe, Mathias Multiscale visualization approaches for Volunteered Geographic Information and Location-based Social Media 2023.

Heidler, Konrad et al. "A Deep Active Contour Model for Delineating Glacier Calving Fronts". IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023. 61.

Ranasinghe, Champika and Auriol Degbelo. "Encoding Variables, Evaluation Criteria, and Evaluation Methods for Data Physicalisations: A Review". Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2023. 7(7).

Humbert, Angelika et al. "Precursor of disintegration of Greenland's largest floating ice tongue". The Cryosphere. 2023, 17(7). 2851-2870.

Sardemann, Hannes, Robert Blaskow and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Camera-Aided Orientation of Mobile Lidar Point Clouds Acquired from an Uncrewed Water Vehicle". Sensors. 2023. 23(13).

Weckmüller, D. and A. Dunkel "AN APPLICATION-ORIENTED IMPLEMENTATION OF HEXAGONAL ON-THE-FLY BINNING METRICS FOR CITY-SCALE GEOREFERENCED SOCIAL MEDIA DATA". The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) 2023. 4/W7-2023 udg., Copernicus Publications. (International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives). 2023, 253-260.

Otosaka, Inès N. et al. "Mass Balances of the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets Monitored from Space". Surveys in geophysics : an international review journal of geophysics and planetary sciences . 2023, 44(5). 1615-1652.

Wetzel, Simeon Semantic Search for Climate Data. 26th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 13 Jun 2023, Delft, Netherlands, Poster, 2023.

Ghobadi‐Far, Khosro et al. "The impact of new accelerometer transplant data (ACH) on GRACE Follow‐On along‐orbit inter‐satellite laser ranging observations and monthly time‐variable gravity and mascon solutions". Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2023. 128(6).

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Degbelo, Auriol et al. "Desiderata for intelligent maps: A multiperspective compilation". KN - Journal of cartography and geographic information : an official journal of DGfK, SGK and ÖKK. 2023, 73(3). 183-198.

Gaia Collaboration. "Gaia Data Release 3: Chemical cartography of the Milky Way". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2023, 674. 1-50.

Somaskantharajan, Sulaxan, Auriol Degbelo and Jakub Krukar. "An Exploratory Study of Models of Mobile Map User Experience". KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information. 2023, 73(2). 127–146.

Liu, Xiao and Matthias Forkel Monitoring forest canopy structure dynamics from space using GEDI and Sentinel-1. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, 23 Apr 2023, Wien, Austria, Abstract, 2023.

Naixin, Fan, Matthias Forkel and Nuno Carvalhais Testing the space-for-time substitution on the temperature sensitivity of terrestrial vegetation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, 23 Apr 2023, Wien, Austria, Poster, 2023.

Mukunga, Tichaona et al. "Effect of Socioeconomic Variables in Predicting Global Fire Ignition Occurrence". Fire. 2023. 6(5).

Wagner, Franz, Anette Eltner and Hans-Gerd Maas. "River water segmentation in surveillance camera images: A comparative study of offline and online augmentation using 32 CNNs". International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2023. 119.

Schmidt, Luisa, Wantong Li, and Matthias Forkel Global trends of vegetation leaf moisture content and extreme weather since the 1980s. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, 23 Apr 2023, Wien, Austria, Poster, 2023.

Gugulica, Madalina and Dirk Burghardt. "Mapping indicators of cultural ecosystem services use in urban green spaces based on text classification of geosocial media data". Ecosystem Services. 2023. 60.

Dunkel, Alexander et al. "From sunrise to sunset: Exploring landscape preference through global reactions to ephemeral events captured in georeferenced social media". PloS one. 2023. 18(2).

Duran Vergara, Laura Camila, Frank Liebold and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Analysis of the Accuracy Potential of a Stereo High-Speed Camera System in 3D Measurements in Highly Dynamic Experiments". Sensors (Switzerland). 2023, 23(4). 1-26.

Willen, Matthias O. On the quantification of ice sheet mass changes and glacial isostatic adjustment effects by combining satellite data Dresden: Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB). 2023.

Döhne, Thorben Axel et al. "The sensitivity kernel perspective on GRACE mass change estimates". Journal of geodesy. 2023, 97(1). 1-20.

Forkel, Matthias et al. "Estimating leaf moisture content at global scale from passive microwave satellite observations of vegetation optical depth". Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2023, 27(1). 39-68.

Kappelsberger, Maria Theresia et al. Antarctic firn thickness variations from multi-mission satellite altimetry and firn modelling. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, 23 Apr 2023, Wien, Austria, Abstract, 2023.

Jiménez-Ruano, Adrián et al. "Assessing human-caused wildfire ignition likelihood across Europe". 2023 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech). 2023, 1-6.

Kugler, Lucas et al. Erfassung von Veränderungen in der Landbedeckung in Sachsen 1961-1979: Analyse anhand historischer CORONA-Spionageaufnahmen und tiefer neuronaler Netze (Teil 1) 2023. (Schriftenreihe des Landesamtes für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Vol. 6/2023).

Scholz, Benedikt Ermittlung von Verfahren zur Ableitung eines Indikators zur Bestimmung des vegetativen Trockenstress in Grünlandgebieten auf Basis von Fernerkundungsdaten in Sachsen 2023.

Kugler, Lucas et al. Harvesting historical spy imagery by evaluating deep learning models for state-wide mapping of land cover changes between 1965-1978. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023, 23 Apr 2023, Wien, Austria, Poster, 2023.

Liu, Xiao, Matthias Forkel, and Johanna Kranz Investigating Seasonal Changes in Vertical Canopy Cover Profiles in Temperate Forests Using GEDI and Sentinel-1. 11th International Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry & BIOMASS Workshop, 19 Jun 2023, Toulouse, France, Poster, 2023.

Schorcht, Sebastian and Franziska Peters Representations in problem-solving processes within an enrichment program for primary school children. 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 16 Jul 2023, Haifa, Israel, Paper, 2023. 1 p.

de Laat, Jos et al. Sense4Fire: novel earth observation approaches and data products for fire dynamics and wildfire emissions using ESA Sentinel observations. EC-ESA Joint Earth System Science Initiative, 22 Nov 2023, Frascati, Italy, Abstract, 2023.

Liebold, Frank and Hans-Gerd Maas "An approach to subpixel accuracy widening crack width determination in image sequences". The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2/W2-2022 udg., 2022, 61-68.

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Willen, Matthias O. et al. "Feasibility of a global inversion for spatially resolved glacial isostatic adjustment and ice sheet mass changes proven in simulation experiments". Journal of geodesy. 2022, 96(10). 1.

Heidler, Konrad et al. "Deep Active Contour Models for Delineating Glacier Calving Fronts". IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2022, 4490-4493.

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Mukherjee, Sagnik, Eva Hauthal, and Dirk Burghardt. "Analyzing the EU Migration Crisis as Reflected on Twitter". KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information. 2022, 72(3). 213-228.

Burghardt, Dirk. "Editorial: Special Issue “VGI and Geovisualisation”". KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information. 2022, 72(3). 185-186.

Zahtila, Moris and Martin Knura. "Visualizing Point Density on Geometry Objects: Application in an Urban Area Using Social Media VGI". KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information. 2022, 72(3). 187-200.

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Weckmüller, D. and A. Dunkel. "DEVELOPING A PRIVACY-AWARE MAP-BASED CROSS-PLATFORM SOCIAL MEDIA DASHBOARD FOR MUNICIPAL DECISION-MAKING". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. 2022, 48(4/W1-2022). 545-552.

Gröbe, M. et al. "MAPPING MT. USHBA - HOW TO CREATE A HIGH-QUALITY MAP PRODUCT FROM OPEN DATA WITH FREE SOFTWARE". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. 2022, 48(4/W1-2022). 159-166.

Bhardwaj, Anshuman et al. "Editorial: Advances in Mars research and exploration". Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 2022. 9.

Kosczor, Eric et al. "Assessing land surface phenology in Araucaria-Nothofagus forests in Chile with Landsat 8/Sentinel-2 time series". International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2022. 112(112).

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Li, Wantong et al. "Widespread increasing vegetation sensitivity to soil moisture". Nature communications. 2022. 13(1).

Zahtila, Moris and Dirk Burghardt. "Location-based mobile learning on relief mapping methods". Journal of Location Based Services. 2022, 16(3). 153-180.

Jones, Matthew W. et al. "Global and Regional Trends and Drivers of Fire Under Climate Change". Reviews of geophysics. 2022. 60(3).

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Richter, Andreas et al. "The hydrostatic control of load-induced height changes above subglacial Lake Vostok". Journal of Glaciology. 2022, 68(271). 849-866.

Liebold, Frank and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Computational Optimization of the 3D Least-Squares Matching Algorithm by Direct Calculation of Normal Equations". Tomography : a journal of imaging research. 2022, 8(2). 760-777.

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Wanninger, Lambert, Anja Hesselbarth and Volker Frevert. "Garmin GPSMAP 66sr: Assessment of Its GNSS Observations and Centimeter-Accurate Positioning". Sensors. 2022. 22(5).

Sardemann, Hannes, Christian Mulsow and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Accuracy Analysis of an Oblique Underwater Laser Lightsheet Triangulation System". PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. 2022. 90(1).

Kaiser, Tim, Christian Clemen and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Automatic co-registration of photogrammetric point clouds with digital building models". Automation in construction. 2022. 134.

Richter, Katja and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Radiometric enhancement of full-waveform airborne laser scanner data for volumetric representation in environmental applications". ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2022, 2022(183). 510-524.

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Richter, Katja et al. "Determination of 3D water turbidity parameter fields from LiDAR bathymetry data by volumetric data analysis". The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS Archives). 2022, 43(B2-2022). 945-951.

Liu, Xiao et al. Estimating the vertical distribution of above-ground biomass in tropical forests by combining GEDI and P-band TomoSAR observations. 9th ForestSAT 2022 Conference, 29 Aug 2022, Berlin, Germany, Presentation slides, 2022.

Liu, Xiao and Matthias Forkel Estimating the vertical distribution of above-ground biomass in tropical forests by combining spaceborne lidar and TomoSAR observations. Dreiländertagung der DGPF, OVG und SGPF Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation - 2022, 05 Oct 2022, Dresden, Germany, Presentation slides, 2022.

Gröbe, Mathias et al. "Mapping Mt. Ushba: Preparation for a new Alpine Club Map". Abstracts of the ICA. 2021. 3.

Liu, Xiao, Christopher S.R. Neigh, and Matthias Forkel Comparing the vertical structure of tropical forests as seen by space- and airborne lidar and P-band SAR tomography. SilviLaser Conference 2021, 28 Sept 2021, Wien, Austria, Paper, 2021.

Wanninger, Lambert, Melanie Thiemig and Volker Frevert. "Multi-frequency quadrifilar helix antennas for cm-accurate GNSS positioning". Journal of applied geodesy. 2021, 16(1). 25-35.

Gröbe, Mathias and Dirk Burghardt. "Scale-Dependent Point Selection Methods for Web Maps". KN - Journal of cartography and geographic information : an official journal of DGfK, SGK and ÖKK. 2021, 71(3). 143-154.

Sardemann, Hannes, Christian Mulsow and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Strict geometric Calibration of an Underwater Laser Triangulation System". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences . 2021, 43(B2-2021). 689-692.

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Twisa, Sekela Sustainability of Rural Water Supply in Sub-Saharan Africa: Application of Geo-Information Technologies 2021.

Dunkel, Alexander and Tom Leukefeld, Tag-Maps: landschaftliche Wahrnehmung in sozialen Netzwerken am Beispiel der Planungsregion Leipzig-Westsachsen, 2021.

Göttl, Franziska et al. The influence of Antarctic and Greenland ice loss on polar motion: an assessment based on GRACE and multi-mission satellite altimetry. Abstract, 2021.

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Hirt, C. et al. "A new degree-2190 (10 km resolution) gravity field model for Antarctica developed from GRACE, GOCE and Bedmap2 data". Journal of geodesy. 2016, 90(2). 105–127.

Prechtel, Nikolas "Anmerkungen zu Gestaltungsoptionen in digitalen 3D-Landschaftsmodellen". Vom Gelände zur Karte … Festschrift anlässlich des 65. Geburtstages von Herrn Prof. Dr.phil.habil. Manfred F. Buchroithner. (Kartographische Bausteine : KB). 2016, 75-96.

Dunkel, Alexander Assessing the perceived environment through crowdsourced spatial photo content for application to the fields for landscape and urban planning 2016.

Stoter, Jantien et al. "Automated Generalisation within NMAs in 2016". XXIII ISPRS Congress, Commission IV (Volume XLI-B4). (The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Vol. XLI-B1 - XLI-B8)). 2016.

Prechtel, Nikolas and Sander Münster "Cultural Heritage in a Spatial Context – Towards an Integrative, Interoperable, and Participatory Data and Information Management". 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II: How to Manage Data and Knowledge Related to Interpretative Digital 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10025). 2016, 272-288.

Bernard, Lars et al. "Geodateninfrastrukturen". and Freeden, Willi Rummel, Reiner (editors). Handbuch der Geodäsie: Band Geoinformationssysteme. Springer Spektrum, Berlin [u. a.]. 2016, 1-32.

Buchroithner, M.F. and R. Pfahlbusch. "Geodetic grids in authoritative maps – New findings about the origin of the UTM Grid. Cartography and Geoinformation Science". Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 2016.

Gröbe, Mathias and Dirk Burghardt. "Geovisualisierung und Text Mining mit Microblogging Content". Kartographische Nachrichten. 2016, 66(5). 248-255.

Mäs, Stephan, Christin Henzen, and Lars Bernard "GLUES GDI – eine Austauschplattform für Forschungsdaten zum nachhaltigen Landmanagement"., Meinel, Gotthard and Förtsch, Daniela Schwarz, Steffen Krüger, Tobias (editors). Flächennutzungsmonitoring VIII. Rhombos-Verlag, Berlin. ( IÖR-Schriften (Bd. 69), Vol. 69). 2016, 41-46.

Eltner, Anette, Danilo Schneider and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Integrated Processing of High Resolution Topographic Data for Soil Erosion Assessment Considering Data Acquisition Schemes and Surface Properties". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences . 2016, 41(B5). 813-819.

Hauthal, Eva and Dirk Burghardt "Mapping Space-Related Emotions out of User-Generated Photo Metadata Considering Grammatical Issues". The Cartographic Journal. 2016, 78-90.

Henzen, Christin et al. Representing Research Collaborations and Linking Scientific Project Results in Spatial Data Infrastructures by Provenance Information. 19th AGILE conference on Geographic Information Science, 14 Jun 2016, Helsinki, Finland, Poster, 2016. 7 p.

Knust, Claudia Untersuchungen zur Gestaltung kartographischer Inhalte auf autoste-reoskopischen Monitoren 2016.

Hauthal, Eva and Dirk Burghardt Using VGI for analyzing activities and emotions of locals and tourists. Paper, 2016.

Burghardt, Dirk and Manfred Buchroithner, ed. Vom Gelände zur Karte: Festschrift anlässlich des 65. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Manfred F. Buchroithner Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden. 2016. (Kartographische Bausteine : KB, Vol. Band 40).

Glaser, Susanne et al. "A consistent combination of GNSS and SLR with minimum constraints". Journal of geodesy. 2015, 89(12). 1165-1180.

Pail, Roland et al. "Science and User Needs for Observing Global Mass Transport to Understand Global Change and to Benefit Society". Surveys in geophysics : an international review journal of geophysics and planetary sciences . 2015, 36(6). 743-772.

Scheinert, Mirko et al. "Geodesy in Polar Regions". Grafarend, Erik (ed.). Encyclopedia of Geodesy. Springer, Cham. (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series). 2015, 1-11.

Bloßfeld, M. et al. "Second-degree Stokes coefficients from multi-satellite SLR". Journal of geodesy. 2015, 89. 857–871.

Rosenau, R., M. Scheinert and R. Dietrich. "A processing system to monitor Greenland outlet glacier velocity variations at decadal and seasonal time scales utilizing the Landsat imagery". Remote Sensing of Environment. 2015, 169. 1-19.

Maas, Hans-Gerd. "On the Accuracy Potential in Underwater/Multimedia Photogrammetry". Sensors. 2015, 15(8). 18140-18152.

Schwabe, Joachim Regionale Geoidmodellierung in Polargebieten 2015.

Matveev, A.J. et al. "The antarctic regional GPS network densification: Status and results". and Rizos, Chris Willis, Pascal (editors). IAG 150 Years: Proceedings of the 2013 IAG Scientific Assembly, Postdam,Germany, 1–6 September, 2013. Springer, Cham. (International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol. 143). 2015, 133-139.

Buchroithner, M.F., Alpenvereinskartographie. Kulturgeschichte einer Orientierungshilfe. [= Book review of: Robert Kostka (with colaboration of Gerhart Moser): Die Kartographie im Alpenverein an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Eds. ÖAV und DAV, Weishaupt Publ. 2014, 160 p., num. colour figs and tabs.], 2015.

Maas, Hans-Gerd. "A Modular geometric model for underwater photogrammetry". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences . 2015, 2015(XL-5/W5). 139-141.

Zeisler, Joeran and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Analysis of the performance of a laser scanner for predictive automotive applications". ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2015, 2015(II-3/W5). 49-56.

Hauthal, Eva and Dirk Burghardt. "Erfassung, Analyse und Visualisierung emotionsbezogener, räumlicher Informationen aus nutzergenerierten Daten". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2015, (4). 216-229.

Holzer, N. et al. "Four decades of glacier variations at Muztag Ata (Eastern Pamir): a multi-sensor study including Hexagon KH-9 and Pléiades data". The Cryosphere. 2015, 9(6). 2071–2088.,

Shangguan, Donghui et al. "Mass changes of Southern and Northern Inylchek Glacier, Central Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan, during ∼1975 and 2007 derived from remote sensing data". Cryosphere. 2015, 9(2). 703-717.

Bayramov, Emil and M. Buchroithner. "Modelling of oil spill frequency, leak sources and contamination probability in the Caspian Sea using multi-temporal SAR images 2006–2010 and stochastic modelling". Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 2015, 7(3). 1175-1197.

Buchroithner, M.F., Mountain Cartography ‘down under’ – Speleological 3D Mapping - Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie, Mountain Cartography. 16 Years ICA Commission on Mountain Cartography (1999–2015), 2015.

Pail, Roland, IUGG Autorengemeinschaft and M. Horwath Observing Mass Transport to Understand Global Change and to Benefit Society: Science and User Needs - An international multi-disciplinary initiative for IUGG München: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften . 2015. (Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften : Reihe B, Angewandte Geodäsie).

Richter, K. et al. "Reference value provision schemes for attenuation correction of full-waveform airborne laser scanner data". ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2015, II-3(W5). 65-72.

Pieczonka, Tino and Tobias Bolch. "Region-wide glacier mass budgets and area changes for the Central Tien Shan between ~ 1975 and 1999 using Hexagon KH-9 imagery". Global and planetary change : a daughter journal of palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. 2015. 128.

Peters, Juliane et al. "Snow Cover Distribution in the Aksu Catchment (Central Tien Shan) 1986–2013 Based on AVHRR and MODIS Data". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2015. 2015(8/11).

Hauthal, Eva and Dirk Burghardt Temporal occurrence and time-dependency of georeferenced emotions extracted from user-generated content. Paper, 2015.

Mader, D. et al. "UAV-Based acquisition of 3D point cloud - A comparison of a low-cost laser scanner and SFM-tools". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences . 2015, 40-3(W3). 335-341.

Dunkel, Alexander. "Visualizing the perceived enviroment using crowdsourced photo geodata". Landscape and Urban Planning. 2015, 173-186.

Burghardt, Dirk, Ross S. Purves and Stefan Hahmann. "Twitter location (sometimes) matters: Exploring the relationship between georeferenced tweet content and nearby feature classes". Journal of spatial information science : JOSIS. 2014, 9. 1–36.

Luthcke, Scott B. et al. "Gravimetry measurements from space". Tedesco, M. (ed.). Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (The Cryosphere Science Series). 2014, 231-247.

Groh, Andreas Zur Bestimmung eisinduzierter Massensignale aus der Kombination geodätischer Daten 2014.

Groh, A. et al. "Assessing the Current Evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet by Means of Satellite and Ground-Based Observations". Surveys in geophysics : an international review journal of geophysics and planetary sciences . 2014, 35(6). 1459-1480.

Scheinert, Mirko et al., Zum Verständnis des eisigen Südens: 20 Jahre Forschung in Geodäsie, Geodynamik und Glaziologie 1992-2012: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Reinhard Dietrich, Technische Universität Dresden, 2014.

Richter, Andreas et al. "Height changes over subglacial Lake Vostok, East Antarctica: Insights from GNSS observations". Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 2014, 119(11). 2460-2480.

Fritsche, Mathias et al. "Homogeneous reprocessing of GPS, GLONASS and SLR observations". Journal of geodesy. 2014, 88(7). 625-642.

Perera, Gamage Sanka Nirodha and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Cycle graph analysis for 3D roof structure modelling: Concepts and performance". ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing. 2014, 93. 213-226.

Schwabe, Joachim and Mirko Scheinert. "Regional geoid of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, from heterogeneous ground-based gravity data". Journal of geodesy. 2014, 88(9). 821-838.

Schwabe, Joachim et al. "Regional geoid modeling in the area of subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica". Journal of geodynamics / European Geophysical Society, Solid Earth Geophysics and Geodesy Sections. 2014, 75. 9-21.

Rietbroek, Roelof et al. "Can GPS-Derived Surface Loading Bridge a GRACE Mission Gap?". Surveys in geophysics : an international review journal of geophysics and planetary sciences . 2014, 35(6). 1267-1283.

Autoren, 51 Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World - Methodologies and Applications of Map Generalisation. - Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Neuerscheinung udg. 2014. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography).

Bolch, T. et al. A Longer-Term Perspective: Glacier Mass Changes in High Mountain Asia since the 1970s. Paper, 2014.

Buchroithner, M.F., Bergrettung in 3D – Nacht- und Nebelbergungen mit Hightech, 2014.

Buchroithner, M.F. "Cartografía de Peligros de Inundación por Desbordamiento de Lagos Glaciares (GLOFs)". Geoinformación para el Ordenamiento Territorial. Experiencias, Aplicaciones y Avances, Santiago de Chile (Fureza Aerea de Chile, Servicio Aerogotogrametrico, Universidad de Talca). Talca. 2014.

Bayramov, E. and M.F. Buchroithner. "Detection of oil spill frequency and leak sources around the Oil Rocks Settlement, Chilov and Pirallahi Islands in the Caspian sea using multi-temporal ENVISAT radar satellite images 2009-2010". Environmental Earth Sciences. 2014, 3611-3621.

Miraliakbari, Alvand, M. Hahn and Hans-Gerd Maas. "Development of a Multi-Sensor System for road Condition Mapping". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences . 2014, 40(1). 265-272.

Quincey, D.J. et al. "Digital Terrain Modeling and Glacier Topographic Characterization". Kargel, J.S., Leonard, G.J., Bishop, M.P., Kääb, A. & Raup, B.H. (Ed): Global Land Ice Measurements from Space. 2014, 113-144.

Henzen, Christin et al. "GeoMetaFacet 2.0 - Interaktive nutzerfreundliche Visualisierung von geograpischen Metadaten"., Seyfert, Eckhardt, Gülch, Eberhard Heipke, Christian Schiewe, Jochen Sester, Monika (editors). Geoinformationen öffnen das Tor zur Welt: 34. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 62. Deutscher Kartographentag der DGfK, Geoinformatik 2014 der GfGI und des GIN. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation (DGPF) e.V. 2014, 302-309.

Neckel, N. et al. "Glacier elevation changes on the Tibetan Plateau between 2003 – 2009 derived from ICESat measurements". Environmental Research Letters. 2014. (014009).

Bolch, T. et al. Glacier mass budgets of High Mountain Asia from space. Paper, 2014.

Mäs, S. et al. "GLUES GDI - Eine Geodateninfrastruktur für wissenschaftliche Umweltdaten". gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik. 2014, 4. 129-137.

Al-Hameedawi, Amjed Naser Mohsin Integrative GI Technology Applied to Best-Site Selection for Industrial Areas in Erbil City, Iraq Dresden. 2014. Offen

Holzer, N., M.F. Buchroithner and T. Bolch Investigation of glacier changes on the Tibetan Plateau based on multi-temporal remote sensing data. Paper, 2014.

Buchroithner, M.F. et al. "Kailash / Gurla Mandhata trekking map 11 (Tibet / Nepal 1:100.000)". Nepalkartenwerk der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung e.V.. Neuerscheinung udg., 2014.

Bayramov, Emil and Manfred Buchroithner Monitoring of Vegetation and Soil Erosion Prediction along Pipelines. Neuerscheinung udg. Saarbrücken: Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Publishing House. 2014.

Al-Hameedawi, A. and M. Buchroithner Object-oriented classifications for land use/land cover using Cosmo-SkyMed and LandSat 7 satellite data: An example of Erbil/Iraq. Paper, 2014.

Azócar, P. I. and M. F. Buchroithner Paradigms in Cartography Neuerscheinung udg. Springer. 2014.

Kropacek, J. et al. "Periodic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods threatening the oldest Buddhist monastery in north-west Nepal". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2014, 15(10). 2425–2437.,

Knust, C. and M.F. Buchroithner, Principles and Terminology of True-3D Geovisualisation, 2014.

Rodríguez-Solano, C.J. et al. "Reducing the draconitic errors in GNSS geodetic products". Journal of geodesy. 2014, 88. 559–574.

Buchroithner, M.F. et al. "Satellite-Based Technologies in Use for Extreme Nocturnal Mountain Rescue Operations: a Synergetic Approach Applying Geophysical Principles". Pure and applied geophysics : PAGEOPH ; continuation of Geofisica pura e applicata. 2014, 171. 1077–1087.

Semmling, A.M. et al. "Sea surface topography retrieved from GNSS reflectometry phase data of the GEOHALO flight mission". Geophysical Research Letters. 2014, 41(3). 954-960.

Edler, D. et al., Spreading Map Information over Different Depth Layers – An Improvement for Map-Reading Efficiency?, 2014.

Richter, Andreas et al. "Subglacial Lake Vostok not expected to discharge water". Geophysical Research Letters. 2014, 41(19). 6772-6778.

Holzer, N. et al. Suitability of a Pléiades VHR Digital Surface Model for glacier mass balance estimates at Mt. Gurla Mandhata and Mt. Geladandong (China). Paper, 2014.

Kröhnert, Melanie et al. "Untersuchung und Visualisierung von Gletschergeschwindigkeiten im Zentralen Tien Shan auf Basis von optischen Satelliten-Fernerkundungsdaten"., Seyfert, Eckhardt, Gülch, Eberhard Heipke, Christian Schiewe, Jochen Sester, Monika (editors). Geoinformationen öffnen das Tor zur Welt: 34. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF 62. Deutscher Kartographentag der DGfK Geoinformatik 2014 der GfGI und des GIN. Hamburg. 2014, 1-8.

Rosenau, Ralf Untersuchung von Fließgeschwindigkeit und Frontlage der großen Ausflussgletscher Grönlands mittels multitemporaler Landsat-Aufnahmen 2014.

Holzer, N. et al. Use of multi-temporal Digital Elevation Models for geodetic glacier mass balance investigations in High Mountain Asia. Paper, 2014.

Glaser, Susanne Zur Optimierung der Kombinationsstrategie verschiedener Satellitenbeobachtungverfahren bei der Realisierung eines globalen terrestrischen Referenzsystems 2014.

Henzen, Christin and Lars Bernard. "Usability für Geoportale am Beispiel der Konzeption des Geoportal Sachsen". KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information. 2013, 63. 262–269.

Henzen, Christin, Stephan Mäs, and Lars Bernard "Provenance Information in Geodata Infrastructures"., Vandenbroucke, Danny Bucher, Bénédicte Crompvoets, Joep (editors). Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe. Springer, Cham. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2013, 133-151.

Rosenau, R. et al. "Grounding line migration and high-resolution calving dynamics of Jakobshavn Isbrae, West Greenland". Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 2013, 118(2). 382-395.

Matveev, Alexey Y. et al. "Высокоточные временные ряды координат, полученные из GNSS-наблюдений в Антарктиде:II. Геодезическая и геокинематическая интерпретации". Geodezia i Kartografia. 2013, 2012(12). 20-25.

Richter, A. et al. "Ice flow velocities over Vostok Subglacial Lake, East Antarctica, determined by 10 years of GNSS observations". Journal of Glaciology. 2013, 59(214). 315-326.

Hopfstock, A., M. F. Buchroithner and D. Grünreich, A Conceptual Framework for Creating Cartographic Representations in SDI Environments, 2013.

Schneider, C. et al. Advances in the process-related understanding of atmosphere-cryosphere-hydrosphere couplings on the Tibetan Plateau. Paper, 2013.

Schinke, U., H. Herold and N. Prechtel Analysis of European Topographic Maps for Automatic Acquisition of Urban Land Use Information. Paper, 2013. 6 p.

Gardner, A. S. et al. "A Reconciled Estimate of Glacier Contributions to Sea Level Rise: 2003 to 2009". Science. 2013, (340, 6134). 852-857.

Ewert, Heiko Auswertung von ICESat-Laseraltimeterdaten zur Untersuchung glaziologischer Fragestellungen in polaren Gebieten 2013.

Hecht, Robert Automatic classification of building footprints – A contribution to the small-scale description of the settlement structure ( IÖR-Schriften (Bd. 63)). Rhombos-Verlag, Berlin. 2013.

Hecht, R. et al. Automatic Derivation of Urban Structure Types from Topographic Maps by Means of Image Analysis and Machine Learning. Paper, 2013.

Eisfelder, C. et al. "Comparison of Two Remote Sensing Based Models for Regional Net Primary Productivity Estimation – A Case Study in Semi-Arid Central Kazakhstan". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2013, 6(4). 1843-1856.

Bayramov, E., M.F. Buchroithner and E. McGurty, Differences of MMF and USLE Models for Soil Loss Prediction along BTC and SCP Pipelines, 2013.

Fritsche, Mathias Erweiterte Modellbildung zur Bestimmung von Positionszeitreihen global verteilter GPS-Stationen 2013.

Hauthal, E. and D. Burghardt "Extraction of location-based Emotions from Photo Platforms". Progress in Location-Based Services. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2013, 3-28.

Peters, S. et al. First resume of the new international Master of Science in Cartography. Paper, 2013. 1 p.

Buchroithner, M. F. and W. G. Koch. "Friedrich Töpfer: 1925–2013 (Nachruf)". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2013, (63, 4). 226-227.

Prechtel, N., S. Münster and C. Kröber From GIS to a Visualization of Cultural Heritage Landscapes – Two Case Studies Using GIS and Interactive Web-based Presentation Frameworks. Paper, 2013. 6 p.

Buchroithner, Manfred F et al. From pole to pole 2013: 26th International Cartographic Conference : August 25-30, 2013, Dresden, Germany : proceedings Dresden: International Commission for Acoustics (ICA). 2013.

Autoren, Diverse From Pole to Pole. Selected Contributions to the XXVIth International Cartographic Conference of the ICA, Dresden 2013 - Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Neuerscheinung udg. 2013. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography).

Dietrich, Reinhard et al. "Geodätisch-photogrammetrische Untersuchungen zur Dynamik von Gletschern in West-Grönland". ZFV - Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement. 2013, 138(1). 31-37.

Osmonov, A. et al. "Glacier characteristics and changes in the Sary-Jaz River Basin (Central Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan) – 1990–2010". Remote sensing letters : an official journal of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society. 2013. 2013(4/8).

Schneider, C., D. Scherer and M. F. Buchroithner "Gletscher lesen lernen - Das diffizile Zusammenspiel von Klima und Gletschern auf dem Tibet-Plateau". SENCKENBERG - Natur • Forschung • Museum. 2013.

Buchroithner, M. F., J. Peters and T. Bolch GLOFs - Glacier Lake Outburst Floods, a Worldwide Threat for Alpine Areas. Paper, 2013.

Bhambri, R. et al. "Heterogeneity in glacier response in the upper Shyok valley, northeast Karakoram". Cryosphere. 2013, 7(5). 1385-1398.

Holzer, N. et al. Heterogeneous glacier variations in High Asia revealed from multi-temporal remote sensing data. Paper, 2013.

Pieczonka, Tino et al. "Heterogeneous mass loss of glaciers in the Aksu-Tarim Catchment (Central Tien Shan) revealed by 1976 KH-9 Hexagon and 2009 SPOT-5 stereo imagery". Remote Sensing of Environment. 2013, 130. 233-244.

Buchroithner, M. F., How Three-Dimensional is 3D Cartography?, 2013.

McFarlane, D. A. et al. Integrated Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning and Autonomous Drone Surface – Photogrammetry at Gomantong Caves, Sabah, Malaysia. Paper, 2013.

Prechtel, N. "Key Aspects of the Generation of a Transport Infrastructure Map for the German-Polish Border Region". Pragmatyka w kartografii. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe. (Prace i studia kartograficzne). 2013, 109-126.

Prechtel, N. "Klassifikation der Gefälleverhältnisse im deutschen Hauptverkehrsnetz auf Gemeindebasis – Contribution to the project "Potenziale des Radverkehrs für den Klimaschutz"". Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit. 2013.

Eisfelder, Christina Modelling Net Primary Productivity and Above-Ground Biomass for Mapping of Spatial Biomass Distribution in Kazakhstan 2013.

Ghassoun, Y. and M. F. Buchroithner, Modelling of Informal Settlement Growth with Satellite Data in Latakia City, Syria, 2013.

Buchroithner, M. F. "Modern Cartography – a Cross-disciplinary Science of Visualisation and Communication". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2013, 113-.

Lübker, Tillmann Object-based remote sensing for modelling scenarios of rural livelihoods in the highly structured farmland surrounding Kakamega Forest, western Kenya 2013.

Al-Hameedawi, Amjed, Manfred Buchroithner and Nikolas Prechtel Object-oriented and Decision tree classifications for LULC using Cosmo-SkyMed, QuickBird and LandSat 7 satellite data: An Example of Erbil/Iraq. Paper, 2013. 1 p.

Prechtel, N. et al. Presenting Cultural Heritage Landscapes – From GIS via 3D Models to Interactive Presentation Frameworks. Paper, 2013. 6 p.

Chen, Z et al. "Qigong Improves Quality of Life in Women Undergoing Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial". Cancer. 2013, 119(9). 1690-1698.

Bayramov, Emil Quantitative Assessment of Vegetation Renaturation and Soil Degradation and their Control by Climate and Ground Factors along Rights-of-Way of Pe-troleum/Gas Pipelines, Azerbaijan 2013.

Pippig, Karsten and Dirk Burghardt Schematic Maps Based on User-generated Data Applied on Mobile Devices for Tourist Navigation Tasks. Paper, 2013.

Welter, J. "Solid Landscape Models in the Twenty-first Century ‐ A Balanced Approach". The Cartographic Journal. 2013.

Künkel, H. and M. F. Buchroithner The Application and Effects of Sky Models on Hill Shading. Paper, 2013.

Basnett, S., A. V. Kulkarni and T. Bolch. "The influence of debris cover and glacial lakes on the recession of glaciers in Sikkim Himalaya, India". Journal of Glaciology. 2013, (59). 1035-1046.

Arndt, J. E. et al. The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) – New ‘classic’ and lenticular Maps of Antarctica for Science and Outreach. Paper, 2013. 1 p.

Buchroithner, M. F. and G. Gartner, The New Face of Cartography - Why Cartography is Relevant, Attractive and Contemporary, 2013.

Pieczonka, T. et al. The suitability of historical satellite imagery for investigations of the cryosphere. Paper, 2013. 1 p.

Buchroithner, M. F. and C. Knust "True-3D in Cartography – Current Hard- and Softcopy Developments". and Moore, A. Drecki, I. (editors). Geospatial Visualisation, Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. 2013, 41-65.

Henzen, Christin and Lars Bernard. "Usability für Geoportale am Beispiel der Konzeption des Geoportal Sachsen". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2013, 63(5). 262–269.

Bolch, T. et al. Variable glacier mass changes in High Mountain Asia 1975 - 2010. Paper, 2013.

Buchroithner, Manfred et al.. 2013. Verfahren und Anordnung zur Ortung und Bergung von Personen“ („Method and System Structure for Search and Rescue of People“): Prototyp.

Bröhmer, K. et al., Z-axis Based Visualization of Map Elements – Cartographic Experiences with 3D Monitors Using Lenticular Foil Technology, 2013.

Kunze, Carola, Robert Hecht and Stefan Hahmann. "Zur Vollständigkeit des Gebäudedatenbestandes von OpenStreetMap". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2013, (2/3). 73-81.

Groh, A. et al. "An investigation of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment over the Amundsen Sea sector, West Antarctica". Global and planetary change : a daughter journal of palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. 2012, 2012(98-99). 45-53.

Matveev, A.Y. et al. "О российско-германских геодезических исследованях в Антарктике". Geodezia i Kartografia. 2012, 2012(10). 2-4.

Ewert, H. et al. "Precise analysis of ICESat altimetry data and assessment of the hydrostatic equilibrium for subglacial Lake Vostok, East Antarctica: ICESat altimetry and hydrostatic equilibrium at subglacial Lake Vostok". Geophysical journal international. 2012, 191(2). 557-568.

Richter, Andreas et al. "Pressure tide gauge records from the Atlantic shelf off Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America". Continental shelf research. 2012, 42. 20-29.

Rosenau, Ralf, Reinhard Dietrich and Michael Baessler Temporal flow variations of major outlet glaciers in Greenland using Landsat data. IGARSS 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 22 Jul 2012, Munich, Germany, Paper, 2012.

Buchroithner, M. F. 3D satellite Remote Sensing for Mapping of Glacier Retreat within the Past 50Years. Paper, 2012.

Mann, U. et al. "An Automated Approach for Detection of Shallow Landslides from LiDAR Derived DEM Using Geomorphological Indicators in a Tropical Forest". Terrigenous Mass Movements. Neuerscheinung udg., Heidelberg. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2012, 1-22.

Hecht, R. et al. Automatische Interpretation von Bebauungsstrukturen in topographischen Karten unter Nutzung von Bildanalyse und maschinellem Lernen. Paper, 2012.

Hahmann, T., C. Eisfelder and M. F. Buchroithner "Cartographic Representation of Dresden’s Historical Development by Projecting a Movie onto a Solid Terrain Model". True-3D in Cartography – Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata. Neuerscheinung udg., Heidelberg. 2012, 281-296.

Buchroithner, M. F. "Cogito ubi sum – Ein Plädoyer für gute, aktuelle Gebirgskarten und deren Benutzung". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2012, (1). 16-20.

Buchroithner, M. F. and D. Trombotto Cryophenomena in the Cold Desert of Atacama. Paper, 2012.

Bolch, Tobias Cryosphere Variations in Different Climatic Regimes and its Impacts Using Geomatics 2012.

Buchroithner, M.F., E. Bayramov and E. McGurty. "Determination of main climate and ground factors controlling vegetation cover regrowth along oil and gas pipelines using multiple, spatial and geographically weighted regression procedures". Environmental Earth Sciences. 2012, (66). 2047-2062.

Bröhmer, Kai et al. "Die Nutzung autostereoskopischer Monitore zur kartographischen Visualisierung von Diagrammen". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2012, (5). 227-234.

Richter, W. and D. Burghardt. "Digitale Karten in der Flugnavigation – Erweiterung der Nutzungsmöglichkeiten gegenüber analogen Luftfahrtkarten". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2012, (5). 255-262.

Foerster, Theodor et al. "Discovering the sensor web through mobile applications". Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Vol. 0). 2012, 211-224.

Buchroithner, M. F. et al. "Ein Systemprototyp zur Unterstützung der Bergrettung auf Basis einer Interaktion zwischen GPS-Tracking und einem digitalen 3D-Felswandmodell". Seyfert, Eckhardt (ed.). 32. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 14. – 17. März 2012 in Potsdam: Erdblicke – Perspektiven für die Geowissenschaften. ( Publikationen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., Vol. 21). 2012, 256-265.

Biro, K. et al. "Exploitation of TerraSAR-X Data for Land use/Land Cover Analysis Using Object-Oriented Classification Approach in the African Sahel Area, Sudan". Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 2012, 1-15.

Weiß, G. and M. F. Buchroithner "How True is True-3D? Geometry between Single Image Stereogrammes and Lenticular Foils". True-3D in Cartography – Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata. Neuerscheinung udg., Heidelberg. 2012, 23-41.

Bolch, T. et al. "Identification of Potentially Dangerous Glacial Lakes in the Northern Tian Shan". Terrigenous Mass Movements. Heidelberg. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2012, 369-398.

Buchroithner, M. F. "Kartographie – eine selbständige, integrative und spannende Wissenschaft (Cartography – an independent, integral and exciting Science)". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2012, (3). 115-120.

Buchroithner, Manfred F. et al. "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen lentikularer Mehrbildmodelle im Vermittlungsprozess raumbezogener Informationen". and Diekmann-Boubaker, Nadine Dickmann, Frank (editors). Kartographische Schriften. Bonn. 2012, 129-144.

Neelmeijer, J. et al., Observation of the Surface Velocity Field of Inylchek Glacier (Kyrgyzstan) by means of TerraSAR-X Imagery, 2012.

Azocar, Pablo Iván Fernández Paradigmatic Tendencies in Cartography: A Sythesis of the Scientific-Empirical, Critical and Post-Representational Perspectives 2012.

Mahmoud, Ali Gaber Muhamad Plot-Based Land-Cover and Soil-Moisture Mapping Using X-/L-Band SAR Data. Case Study Pirna South, Saxony, Germany 2012.

Bayramov, E., M. F. Buchroithner and E. McGurty, Prediction reliability, quantitative differences and spatial variations of erosion models for long-range petroleum and gas infrastructure, CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, 2012.

Bayramov, E., M.F. Buchroithner and E. McGurty. "Quantitative assessment of vegetation cover and soil degradation factors within terrain units for planning, monitoring and assessment of renaturation along oil and gas pipelines". Geocarto International. 2012, 27(7). 535-555.

Schwabe, J. et al. "Regional geoid improvement over the Antarctic Peninsula utilizing airborne gravity data"., Kenyon, Steve Pacino, Maria Christina Marti, Urs (editors). Geodesy for Planet Earth. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (International Association of Geodesy Symposia). 2012.

Muhs, S., G. Meinel and D. Burghardt. "Siedlungspolitische Informationen aus ATKIS-Daten". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2012, (3). 140-150.

Buchroithner, M. F., M. N. Boulos and L. R. Robinson "Stereoscopic 3-D solutions for online maps and virtual globes". True-3D in Cartography – Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata. 2012, 391-412.

Diverse, Autoren Terrigenous Mass Movements: Detection, Modelling, Early Warning and Mitigation Using Geoinformation Technology - Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Neuerscheinung udg. Heidelberg. 2012. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography).

Knust, Claudia, Manfred F. Buchroithner and Wolfram Dolz "The Digital True-3D Globe from Willem Janszoon Blaeu". True-3D in Cartography – Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata. Berlin / Heidelberg. 2012, 199-215.

Buchroithner, M. F., C. Petters and B. Pradhan Three-Dimensional Visualisation of the World-Class Prehistoric Site of the Niah Great Cave, Borneo, Malaysia. Paper, 2012. 1 p.

Autoren, Diverse True-3D in Cartography. Autostereoscopic and Solid Visualisation of Geodata - Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Neuerscheinung udg. Heidelberg. 2012. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography).

Fritsche, Niels Christian "Truly modelling reality …? – Let’s improve our cognitive maps with a bastard mix of algorithms to “undo” pictures, isometric mapping, highdensity diagrams and comic culture as integral sign posts for software development in cartography". Buchroithner, Manfred (ed.). Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Vol. 0). 2012, 83-95.

Queck, Ronald et al. "Wind fields in heterogeneous conifer canopies: parameterisation of momentum absorption using high-resolution 3D vegetation scans". European Journal of Forest Research. 2011, 131(1). 165-176.

Scheinert, Mirko "Progress and Prospects of the Antarctic Geoid Project (Commission Project 2.4)"., Kenyon, Steve Pacino, Maria Christina Marti, Urs (editors). Geodesy for Planet Earth. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (International Association of Geodesy Symposia). 2011, 451-456.

Ewert, Heiko, Andreas Groh and Reinhard Dietrich. "Volume and mass changes of the Greenland ice sheet inferred from ICESat and GRACE". Journal of geodynamics / European Geophysical Society, Solid Earth Geophysics and Geodesy Sections. 2011, 2012(59-60). 111-123.

Richter, A., A. Groh and R. Dietrich. "Geodetic observation of sea-level change and crustal deformation in the Baltic Sea region". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2011, 2012(53-54). 43-54.

Fritsche, Mathias, Petra Döll and Reinhard Dietrich. "Global-scale validation of model-based load deformation of the Earth's crust from continental water mass and atmospheric pressure variations using GPS". Journal of geodynamics / European Geophysical Society, Solid Earth Geophysics and Geodesy Sections. 2011, 2012(59-60). 133-142.

Mendoza, L. et al. "Present-day crustal deformation along the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System in Tierra del Fuego from repeated GPS observations". Geophysical Journal International. 2011, 184(3). 1009-1022.

Ivins, E.R. et al. "On-land ice loss and glacial isostatic adjustment at the Drake Passage: 2003-2009". Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2011. 116(B02403).

Scheinert, Mirko et al. "Gravimetric time series recording at the Argentine Antarctic stations Belgrano II and San Martín for the improvement of ocean tide models"., Kenyon, Steve Pacino, Maria Christina Marti, Urs (editors). Geodesy for Planet Earth. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. (International Association of Geodesy Symposia). 2011.

Pradhan, Biswajeet Application of Different Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Based Methods and Approaches to Geohazard Management: Selected Examples from South-East Asia 2011.

Knust, C. et al. Autostereoscopic Displays for Thematic Maps. Paper, 2011.

Knust, C. et al. Autostereoskopische Displays für themakartographische Mehrbildmodelle. Paper, 2011. 6 p.

Biro Turk, Khalid Guma Development of a Multi-Temporal Satellite Data for Landuse/Landcover Change Analysis and its Impacts on Soil Properties in Gadarif Region, Sudan 2011.

Pieczonka, Tino, Tobias Bolch and Manfred Buchroithner. "Generation and evaluation of multitemporal digital terrain models of the Mt. Everest area from different optical sensors". ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2011, 2011(6). 927-940.

Buchroithner, M. F. et al. "Map Forum Saxony. An Innovative Access to Digitized Historical Maps". Prospective Cartographic Heritage. Springer Lecture Notes on Geoinformation and Cartography. Neuerscheinung udg., Berlin, Heidelberg. 2011, 207-220.

Hahmann, Stefan and Dirk Burghardt "Maple – a Web Map Service for Verbal Visualisation Using Tag Clouds Generated from Map Feature Frequencies". Ruas, Anne (ed.). Advances in Cartography and GIScience. Volume 1. Selection from ICC 2011, Paris. Neuerscheinung udg., Paris. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2011, 3-12.

Hauthal, Eva, Stefan Hahmann and Ingeborg Wilfert. "Mobile und Webmapping-Anwendungen für den Tourismus". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2011, (05/11). 254-261.

Paesch, Maria and Dirk Burghardt. "Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von „Software as a Service“ für die Kartenherstellung.". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2011, (2). 65-71.

Elbialy, Samy Gamal Potential of Spaceborne X- and L-Band SAR Data for Soil-Moisture Mapping Using GIS and its Application to Hydrological Modelling: the Example of Gottleuba Catchment, Saxony/Germany 2011.

Pradhan, B., S. Lee and M. F. Buchroithner. "Remote Sensing and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and its Cross-validation in Three Test Areas Using a Frequency Ratio Model". PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. 2011.

Müller, Matthias, Lars Bernard and Rico Vogel "Multi-criteria Evaluation for Emergency Management in Spatial Data Infrastructures"., Konecny, Milan Zlatanova, Sisi Bandrova, Temenoujka (editors). Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management: Towards Better Solutions. Neuerscheinung udg., Heidelberg: Springer, Berlin [u. a.]. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2010, 273-286.

Dietrich, R et al. "Rapid crustal uplift in Patagonia due to enhanced ice loss". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2010, 2010(289). 22-29.

Pieczonka, Tino, Tobias Bolch and Manfred Buchroithner Accuracy of Digital Terrain Models for the Mt. Everest Region based on Corona and Cartosat-1 Data. Paper, 2010.

Schwikowski, M. et al. "Acient Ice in the Arid Central Andes?". Annual Report 2009, Labor für Radio- Und Umweltchemie der Universität Bern und des Paul Scherrer Instituts. Villigen, CH. 2010, 39-.

Pradhan, B., S. Lee and M. F. Buchroithner. "A GIS-based back-propagation neural network model and ist cross-application and validation for landslide susceptibility analyses". Computers, environment and urban systems : CEUS. 2010.

Pradhan, B. et al. ANFIS modeling for the assessment of landslide susceptibility for the Cameron Highland (Malaysia). Paper, 2010. 3 p.

Lung, Tobias Assessing Processes of Long-Term Land Cover Change and Modelling their Effects on Tropical Biodiversity Patterns – A Remote Sensing and GIS-Based Approach for three Landscapes in East Africa 2010.

Buchroithner, M. F., A Truly 3D Cartographic Future, 2010.

Hopfstock, Anja A User-Oriented Map Design in the SDI Environment Using the Example of a European Reference Map at Medium Scale (Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Band 46, Vol. 46). 2010.

Prechtel, N., Auswertung historischer Luftbilder der Stadt Oelsnitz/Erzgebirge für den Zeitraum 1945-2005, 2010.

Buchroithner, M. F. Automated spaceborne mapping of debris-covered glaciers in high Asia. Paper, 2010.

Pradhan, B. and M. F. Buchroithner. "Comparison and Validation of Landslide Susceptibility Maps Using an Artificial Neural Network Model for Three Test Areas in Malaysia". Environmental & engineering geoscience : serving professionals in engineering, environmental and ground-water geology. 2010.

Dunkel, Alexander Die Kulturlandschaft der Stadt Bad Schandau und ihrer Umgebung - ein Entwicklungskonzept 2010.

Prechtel, N. "Endbericht zur Studie „Photovoltaikpotenzial der Dachflächen in der Stadt Bad Liebenwerda (Brandenburg)". interner Forschungsbericht. 2010, 0-16.

Uffmann, J. and M. F. Buchroithner Konzept für die Nachführung des Nepal-Kartenwerkes der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung. Paper, 2010.

Buchroithner, M. F., M. Dietze and A. Kleber Landscape evolution of the Valle de Barrancas Blancas (Nevado Ojos del Salado Massif, Atacama Andes) driven by the entire spectrum of geomorphological processes. Paper, 2010.

Pradhan, B. et al. "Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by Neuro-Fuzzy Approach in a Landslide-Prone Area (Cameron Highlands, Malaysia)". 2010 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 12 udg., IEEE. (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing). 2010.

Bolch, Tobias, Tino Pieczonka and Doug Benn, Longest time series of glacier mass changes in the Himalaya based on stereo imagery, 2010.

Koch, W. G. et al. "Recent Developments in Cartographic Curricula in German-Speaking Countries / Neue Entwicklungen in der kartographischen Hochschulausbildung in deutschsprachigen Ländern". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2010, (2/60). 81-88.

Buchroithner, M. F., Seventh International Symposium on High-Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography (HMRSC VII) in the International Year of Mountains (IYM), 2010.

Buchroithner, M. F. and K. Habermann "The Art of Autostereoscopic Relief Representation in Cartography". and Gartner, Georg Ortag, Felix (editors). Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe: Selected Papers of the 1st ICA Symposium on Cartography for Central and Eastern Europe. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2010, 251-262.

Buchroithner, M. F. and T. Himpel, The Centennial Edition of the 1908 Alpenverein Map of the Brenta Massif, Italy. Special Edition on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the First Edition, 2010.

Buchroithner, M. F. The glaciers of the Ojos del Salado-Tres Cruces Massifs, Atacama Andes. Paper, 2010.

Knust, C. and M. F. Buchroithner "True-3D in cartography – recent methods and trends". and Żyszkowska, W. Spallek, W. (editors). Main Problems of Contemporary Cartography 2010 – Digital Terrain Models in Cartography. Wroclaw. 2010, 52-64.

Bruhm, Katharina, Manfred Buchroithner and Bernd Hetze "True-3D visualization of glacier retreat in the Dachstein Massif, Austria: Cross-media hard- and softcopy displays". and Neutens, Tijs De Maeyer, Philippe (editors). Developments in 3D Geo-Information Sciences. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2010, 17-32.

Pradhan, B., H.-J. Oh and M. F. Buchroithner. "Weights-Evidence Model Applied to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Tropical Hilly Area". Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 2010, (1/3). 199-223.

Fritsche, Mathias et al. "Low-degree earth deformation from reprocessed GPS observations". GPS Solutions. 2009, 2010(14). 165-175.

Mäs, Stephan Harmonisation of Spatial Semantic Integrity Constraints. AGILE 2009 Pre-Conference Workshop “Challenges in Geospatial Data Harmonisation”, 02 Jun 2009, Abstract, 2009.

Sester, M., L. Bernard and V. Paelke "Preface"., Sester, Monika Bernard, Lars Paelke, Volker (editors). Advances in GIScience: Proceedings of the 12th AGILE Conference. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2009, V-VI.

Buchroithner, M. F. and Th. Gaisecker, 3D Surveying and Visualisation of a Complex Dome in an Extreme Alpine Cave System - Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation (PFG), 2009.

Richter, Andreas et al. "Anomalous ocean load tide signal observed in lake-level variations in Tierra del Fuego". Geophysical Research Letters. 2009. 36(5).

Pradhan, B., M. F. Buchroithner and S. Mansoor. "Assessment of neural network, frequency ratio and regression models for landslide susceptibility analysis". Geophysical research abstracts : GRA : the open-access abstracts of the EGU general assemblies. 2009. 11.

Azocar, P. F. and M. F. Buchroithner Cartography in the context of Sciences: Theoretical and Technological Considerations. Paper, 2009.

Burghardt, D. and S. Schmid "Constraint-based evaluation of automated and manual generalised topographic maps". Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. 1st ICA Symposium on Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe. 2009, 147-162.

Schirmer, Falk, M. F. Buchroithner and W. G. Koch "Die Herstellung von Touristenkarten unter den restriktiven Bedingungen der DDR von 1965 bis 1989". Geheimhaltung und Staatssicherheit. Zur Kartographie des Kalten Krieges. Berlin. 2009, 359-384.

Krüger, Tobias Digitale Geländemodelle im Hochwasserschutz: Detektion, Extraktion und Modellierung von Deichen und vereinfachte GIS-basierte Überflutungssimulationen 2009.

Steigenberger, P et al. "Effects of Different Antenna Phase Center Models on GPS-Derived Reference Frames". Drewes, Hermann (ed.). Geodetic Reference Frames: IAG Symposium Munich, Germany, 9-14 October 2006. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. (International Association of Geodesy Symposia; Journal number 134). 2009, 83-88.

Pradhan, B., T. Bolch and M. F. Buchroithner Elevation Modeling using Radargrammetry: Case study in Malaysia. Paper, 2009. 12 p.

Günther, S., N. Prechtel and B. Hauptenbuchner Entwicklung multimedialer GIS-Lehrdokumente und ihre Einbindung in OPAL. Paper, 2009.

Youssef, A. M. et al. "Geomorphological hazard analysis along the Egyptian Red Sea coast between Safaga and Quseir". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2009.

Müller, Matthias, Lars Bernard and Rico Vogel "Multi Criteria Evaluation for Emergency Management in a Web Service Environment"., Konecny, Milan and Zlatanova, Sisi Bandrova, Temenoujka Friedmannova, Lucie (editors). Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management: Towards Better Solutions. Brno: Masaryk-Universität. 2009.

Vey, Sibylle et al. "On The Homogeneity and Interpretation of Precipitable Water Time Series Derived From Global GPS Observations". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2009, 114(D10). 1-15.

Steigenberger, Peter et al. "Quality of reprocessed GPS Satellite Orbits". Journal of geodesy. 2009, 2009(83). 241-248.

Koch, W. G. et al. Recent Developments in Cartographic Curricula in German-Speaking Countries. Paper, 2009. 15 p.

Horwath, Martin and Reinhard Dietrich. "Signal and error in mass change inferences from GRACE: The case of Antarctica". Geophysical Journal International. 2009, 177(3). 849-864.

Hahmann, T. et al. "Strategies for the automatic mapping of flooded areas and other water bodies from high resolution TerraSAR-X data". Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management: Towards Better Solutions. Brno. 2009, 207-214.

Eisfelder, C. et al., Towards Automated Forest-Type Mapping - a Service Within GSE Forest Monitoring Based on SPOT-5 and IKONOS Data, 2009.

Pradhan, B., S. Lee and M. F. Buchroithner. "Use of geospatial data for the development of fuzzy algebraic operators to landslide hazard mapping: a case study in Malaysia". Applied Geomatics. 2009.

Buchroithner, M. F. Veränderung von Landnutzung und Vegetationsbedeckung in der östlichen Sahelzone von 1972 bis 2003. Paper, 2009. 7 p.

Wolodtschenko, A. Картосемиотика: мини-лексикон Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden. 2009.

Rülke, Axel et al. "Realization of the Terrestrial Reference System by a reprocessed global GPS network". Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2008. 113(B8).

Richter, Andreas et al. "Observational evidence on the stability of the hydro-glaciological regime of subglacial Lake Vostok". Geophysical Research Letters. 2008. 35(11).

Muskett, R. R. et al. A First-Look at ICESat Altimetry and DEMs of the Himalayas and Tibet Plateau Region for Estimates of Glacier Area-Average Elevation Changes - Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, EGU2008-A-04580, 2008, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-04580. Paper, 2008. 1 p.

Buchroithner, M. F., W. G. Koch and C. Rülke "Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Kartographieausbildung an der TU Dresden". Vom Erdapfel zum 3D-Modell: Vorträge : 56. Deutscher Kartographentag, 28. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 23.-26. April 2008 in Oldenburg. 2008, 107-109.

Dietrich, Reinhard and Axel Rülke "A Precise Reference Frame for Antarctica from SCAR GPS Campaign Data and Some Geophysical Implications". and Capra, Alessandro Dietrich, Reinhard (editors). Geodetic and Geophysical Observations in Antarctica: An Overview in the IPY Perspective. Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2008, 1-10.

Buchroithner, M. F. and H. M. Sulieman. "Degradation and Abandoment of Mechanised Rain-fed Agricultural Land in the Southern Gadarif Region, Sudan: The Local farmers’ Perception". Land Degradation and Development. 2008, 1-11.

Scheritz, Marita et al. Digital Elevation Model of Polygonal Patterned Ground on Samoylov Island, Siberia, Using Small-Format Aerial Photography. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Permafrost, 29 Jun 2008, Fairbanks, United States of America, Paper, 2008. 6 p.

Mikolaichuk, A. V., M. F. Buchroithner and V. G. Dolgushev Digital Geological Map of the Khan Tengri Massif (Central Tien Shan) - Geotechnical Special Publication. Paper, 2008. 1 p.

Wälder, K. et al. "Estimation of soil properties with geostatistical methods in floodplains". Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2008, 54(3). 275-295.

Hecht, R., G. Meinel and M. F. Buchroithner. "Estimation of Urban Green Volume Based on Single-Pulse LiDAR Data". IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2008, 46(11). 3832-3840.

Bolch, T. et al. Glacier Change and Glacial Lake Formation in Khumbu Himalaya using Digital Elevation Models und Satellite Data - SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-10508. Paper, 2008. 1 p.

Buchroithner, M. F. et al. Glacier Recession and formation of glacial lakes in Khumbu Himalaya using space imagery. Paper, 2008. 1 p.

Bolch, T. et al. "Identification of glacier motion and potentially dangerous glacial lakes in the Mt. Everest region/Nepal using spaceborne imagery". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2008, 8(6). 1329–1340.

Buchroithner, M. F., N. Thieme and J. Kohler "Investigations into the Spatial Pattern of Annual and Interannual Snow Coverage of Brøgger Peninsula, Svalbard, 2000 – 2007". Proceedings of the 6th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop. 2008, 17-22.

Wälder, Olga Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Geoscientists Neuerscheinung udg. Berlin, Heidelberg. 2008.

Wälder, O. "Modellierung und Klassifikation von Talquerprofilen Mithilfe spezieller orthonormaler Funktionen - VGI". VGI : österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation. 2008. 2.

Bolch, T. et al. "Planimetric and Volumetric Glacier Changes in the Khumbu Himalaya 1962 - 2005 Using Corona and ASTER Data". Journal of Glaciology. 2008, 562-600.

Bernard, L., A. Friis-Christensen and H. Pundt "Preface"., Bernard, Lars Friis-Christensen, Anders Pundt, Hardy (editors). The European Information Society: Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further. Springer, Berlin [u. a.]. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2008.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Report on the cartosemiotic activities of the KCTOS-conference in Vienna". SemiotiX, World Report/A Global Information Bulletin. 2008.

Koch, W. G. "Rezension: Kroll, S., Krüger, K. (Hrsg.): Städtesystem und Urbanisierung im Ostseeraum der Frühen Neuzeit. Urbane Lebensräume und Historische Informationssysteme". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2008, 50-52.

Wälder, Olga Spezielle Verfahren zur Analyse von raumbezogenen Daten 2008.

Buchroithner, M. F. and K. Habermann "The Art of Autostereoscopic Relief Representation in Cartography"., Cartwright, William Gartner, Georg Lehn, Antje  (editors). Proceedings of the Symposium Cartography and Art - Art and Cartography. CD-Rom udg., 2008.

Heinrich, Kati, M. F. Buchroithner and Oliver Bender "The use of satellite remote sensing for detecting and analysis cultural heritages"., Vassilopoulos, Andreas and Evelpidou, Niki Bender, Oliver Krek, Alenka (editors). Geoinformation Technology for Geocultural Landscape Analysis: European Perspectives. 2008, 67-86.

Scheinert, Mirko et al. "Tidal Gravimetry in Polar Regions: An Observation Tool Complementary to Continuous GPS for the Validation of Ocean Tide Models". and Capra, Alessandro Dietrich, Reinhard (editors). Geodetic and Geophysical Observations in Antarctica: An Overview in the IPY Perspective. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2008, 267-280.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Towards a forming of new conception - metacartosemiotics (O formirovanii novoi concepcii-metacartosemiotiki) - Cartography and High School". Cartography and High School. 2008.

Vey, Sibylle and Reinhard Dietrich "Validation of the Atmospheric Water Vapour Content from NCEP Using GPS Observations Over Antarctica". and Capra, Alessandro Dietrich, Reinhard (editors). Geodetic and Geophysical Observations in Antarctica: An Overview in the IPY Perspective. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2008, 125-136.

Buchroithner, M. F. We Make you See the World Three-D: Lenticular Foil Geo-displays. Paper, 2008. 1 p.

Koch, W. G., Werner Stams 80 Jahre, 2008.

Scheinert, M. et al. "Regional geoid determination in Antarctica utilizing airborne gravity and topography data.". Journal of geodesy. 2007, 2008(82). 403-414.

Koch, W. G. 2. Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen Kartographie. Contributions to scientific cartography Neuerscheinung udg. Dresden. 2007.

Vassena, G. et al. "A 3D Mixed Laser-Scanner and Photogrammetry Survey Approach for High-Altitude Glacier Monitoring". Proceedings of XXIV IUGG 2007, 2-13 July, Perugia, Italy. 2007.

Kelgenbaeva, Kamilya Agronomic Suitability Studies in the Russian Altai Using Remote Sensing and GIS 2007.

Prechtel, N. and K. Londershausen "An Animated Presentation of the Dresden “Altai-GIS”". Proceedings of the 5th Mountain Cartography Workshop, ICA Commissions workshop: Bohinj, Slovenia, 29 March – 1 April 2006. Ljubljana. 2007, 210-221.

Wälder, O. "An application of the fuzzy theory in surface interpolation and surface deformation analysis". Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2007. 158.

Buchroithner, M. F. and T. Bolch An Automated Method to Delineate the Ice Extension of the Debris-Covered Glaciers at Mt. Everest Based on ASTER Imagery - Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung. Paper, 2007. 8 p.

Shingareva, K. B. et al. "A New Multilingual Glossary on Planetary Cartography". Proc. International Cartographic Conference, Moskau, 4.-10. Aug. 2007. 2007.

Sulieman, H. M. and M. F. Buchroithner Assessment of the Restoration Potential of the Abandoned Agricultural Land in Doka Area, Eastern Sudan Using Remote Sensing Imagery and GIS. Paper, 2007.

Buchroithner, M. F. and T. Bolch Automated Mapping of Scree-Covered Glaciers Using Space Imagery. Paper, 2007.

Buchroithner, M. F. Between Gobi and Himalaya: An Instructional Film about the Cartographic Oevre of Sven Hedin. Paper, 2007.

Wolodtschenko, A. and I. N. Rotanova Cartosemiotic analysis of Barnaul city atlas. Paper, 2007.

Wolodtschenko, A. and K. Kelgenbaeva Cartosemiotic Analysis of the Maps of Nature of the Kyrgyz National Atlas. Paper, 2007.

Wolodtschenko, A. and A. Gordyeyev Cartosigmatic Analysis of Atlases (On an example of analog atlases of the Sankt Petersburg/Leningrad). Paper, 2007.

Horwath, M. et al. CHAMP normal equation analysis for assessing sensitivities and parameter correlations.. Proceedings of the Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting, 06 Jul 2004, Potsdam, Germany, Paper, 2007. 5 p.

Bolch, T. "Climate Change and Glacier Retreat in Northern Tien Shan (Kasachstan/Kyrgyzstan) using Remote Sensing Data". Global and Planetary Change. 2007. 56(1-2).

Wolodtschenko, A. and T. Forner Conception of the Pocket-Atlas: Prehistoric Maps in European Museums. Paper, 2007.

Torsten, Putze, Karsten Raguse and Hans-Gerd Maas "Configuration of multi mirror systems for single high-speed camera based 3D motion analysis". Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. (Videometrics). 2007.

Flach, B., T. Bolch and M. F. Buchroithner Detection of Debris-Covered – A Structural and Statistical Analysis Approach. Paper, 2007.

Buchroithner, M. F. and S. Walther Development of new Types of Glacier Dynamics Maps. Paper, 2007. 8 p.

Buchroithner, M. F. "Echtdreidimensionalität in der Kartographie: gerstern, heute, morgen". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2007, 239-248.

Wolodtschenko, A. and I. N. Rotanova Ecological atlas-cartosemiotics: new academic discipline. Paper, 2007.

Meinel, G. et al. Europäische Siedlungsstrukturvergleiche auf Basis von CORINE Land Cover - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Paper, 2007. 12 p.

Sulieman, Hussein Mohamed Mapping and Modelling of Vegetation Changes in the Southern Gadarif Region, Sudan, Using Remote Sensing: Land-Use Impacts on Biophysical Processes 2007.

Buchroithner, M. F. and S. Walther. "Multiparametric Cartographic Visualisation Of Glacier Rheology". Cartographic Journal. 2007, 304-312.

Sulieman, H. M. and M. F. Buchroithner Multi-Temporal Classification of Abandoned Agricultural Land in Gadarif Region, Sudan, Using Original Bands, Indices and Feature Components of Spaceborne Imagery. Paper, 2007.

Wolodtschenko, A. Nationalatlas Deutschlands: ein kartosemiotisches Porträt: Internationales Korrespondenz-Seminar Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden. 2007. (Diskussionsbeiträge zur Kartosemiotik und zur Theorie der Kartographie).

El Nabbout, Khaled New Visualisation Tools for the Enhancement of Urban Participatory Planning, the Example of Tripoli, Lebanon 2007.

El Nabbout, K., M. F. Buchroithner and R. Sliuzas New Visualization Tools for Participatory Urban Planning. The Case of Tripoli – Lebanon. Paper, 2007.

Wälder, O. "On analysis and forecasting of surface movement and deformation: Some AR-models and their application". Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten : AVN ; Zeitschrift für alle Bereiche der Geodäsie und Geoinformation. 2007. 3.

Wolodtschenko, A. On Cartosemiotic Competence and Knowledge. Paper, 2007.

Shingareva, K. B. et al. Planetary Map Series: Current Project Status and Near Future. Paper, 2007.

Chudy, Thomas Planungskartographie ländlicher Räume in Deutschland 2007.

Wolodtschenko, A. and H. Schlichtmann Presentation of a Cartosemiotic Glossary. Paper, 2007.

Wälder, O. "Spezielle statistische Testverfahren und ihre Anwendung in sozial-psychologischen Untersuchungen". Austrian Journal of Statistics. 2007. 36/2.

Wälder, O. and M. F. Buchroithner Stereo Viewing of Lenticular Foil Displays: A Geometric Analysis. Paper, 2007.

Buchroithner, M. F. "Tätigkeitsbericht der DGfK-Kommission Hochgebirgskartographie 2006". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2007, 221-222.

Zimmermann, G., M. F. Buchroithner and W. G. Koch The "Map Forum Saxony": An Optimal Commented Library of Historical Maps. Paper, 2007.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Theoretical Cartography/Workshop in Kyiv/ Workshop on Cartographic knowledge and terminology". ICA News. 2007.

Shingareva, K. B. et al. "The Realization of ICA Commission Projects on Planetary Cartography". Cartographica. 2007, 40(4). 105-114.

Wolodtschenko, A., G. Beconyte and A. Cesnulevicius Vilnius Seminars on Cartosemiotic: Ideas, Experiences and Perspectives. Paper, 2007.

Koch, W. G. "Visualisierung, kartographische Gestaltung und visuelle kartographische Kommunikation"., Tzschaschel, S. Wild, H. Lenz, S. (editors). Visualisierung des Raumes. Karten machen – Macht der Karten. Leipzig. 2007, 91-101.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Zur angewandten Kartosemiotik". Cartography and High School, Sbornik naukovyh prac. 2007.

Wolodtschenko, A. Zur Frage der realen und fiktiven Karten. Paper, 2007.

Horwath, M. et al. "Nivlisen, an Antarctic ice shelf in Dronning Maud Land: Geodetic-glaciological results from a combined analysis of ice thickness, ice surface height and ice flow observations". Journal of Glaciology. 2006, 52(176). 17-30.

Wendt, J. et al. "Geodetic observations of ice flow velocities over the southern part of subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica, and their glaciological implications". Geophysical Journal International. 2006, 166(3). 991-998.

Novotny, K. et al. "Variability of Sea Surface Heights in the Baltic Sea: An Intercomparison of Observations and Model Simulations.". Marine geodesy : an international journal of ocean surveys, mapping and sensing. 2006, 29(2). 113-134.

Steigenberger, P. et al. "Reprocessing of a global GPS network.". Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2006. 111(B5).

Horwath, M and R. Dietrich. "Errors of regional mass variations inferred from GRACE monthly solutions.". Geophysical Research Letters. 2006. 33(7).

Vey, S et al. "Influence of mapping function parameters on global GPS network analyses: Comparisons between NMF and IMF.". Geophysical Research Letters. 2006. 33(1).

Maas, Hans Gerd and Uwe Hampel. "Programmetric techniques in civil engineering material testing and structure monitoring". Photogrammetric engineering & remote sensing. 2006, 72(1). 39-45.

Maas, H.-G. et al. "Analyse des Bewegungsverhaltens des Jakobshavn Isbrae Gletschers in Grönland durch monokulare Bildsequenzanalyse.". Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation. 2006, 2. 93-102.

Bolch, T., A. Kunert and M. F. Buchroithner An Automated Method to Outline the Ice Extension of Debris-Covered Glaciers Based on ASTER Imagery. Paper, 2006.

Wolodtschenko, A. Atlasnaia kartosemiotika (Atlaskartosemiotik). 65-. 2006,

Wolodtschenko, Alexander et al. Cartosemiotics and Cartography: Proceedings, Joint Seminar of the ICA Commission on Theoretical Cartography and Cartographic Center of Vilnius University. Vilnius, Lithuania, 28-29 October 2005. ICA 2006 Vilnius: Universität Vilnius. 2006.

Wolodtschenko, A. and I. N. Rotanova Cartosemiotics, Atlas-cartography and Ecological Mapping: Experience in Education and Training. Paper, 2006. 3 p.

Mäs, Stephan, Wolfgang Reinhardt and Fei Wang "Conception of a 3D Geodata Web Service for the Support of Indoor Navigation with GNSS"., Abdul-Rahman, Alias Zlatanova, Sisi Coors, Volker (editors). Innovations in 3D Geo Information Systems, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on 3D Geoinformation. Springer Berlin. (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). 2006, 307-316.

Meinel, G., R. Hecht and M. F. Buchroithner Die Bestimmung städtischen Grünvolumens – Nutzen, Methodik und Ergebnisbewertung. Paper, 2006. 8 p.

Buchroithner, M. F., W. G. Koch and G. Zimmermann "Die SLUB im Dienst der Vermittlung raumbezogener graphischer Information". Wiss. Zeitrschrift der TU Dresden. Neuerscheinung udg., 2006, 105-112.

Buchroithner, M. F., W. G. Koch and G. Zimmermann, Die SLUB im Dienst der Vermittlung raumbezogener graphischer Information - Wiss. Zeitrschrift der TU Dresden, 2006.

Mikolaichuk, A. V., M. F. Buchroithner and V. G. Dolgushev "Digital Geological Maps, a Basis for the Evaluation of Geological Hazard and Risk Mapping (Example Kyrgyzstan)". XIth International Congress of Mathematical Geology \. 2006.

Wolodtschenko, Alexander and Hansgeorg Schlichtmann, ed. Diskussionsbeitraege zur Kartosemiotik und zur Theorie der Kartographie: Theoretische Probleme der Kartographie und ihrer Nachbardisziplinen Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden. 2006. (Diskussionsbeiträge zur Kartosemiotik und zur Theorie der Kartographie).

Buchroithner, M. F. "Echt-3D-Displays – eine neue Dimension der kartographischen Reliefdarstellung". Dresdner Transferbrief : das E-Journal. 2006. 1(5).

Wolodtschenko, A. and T. Forner "Erste kartosemiotische Studienreise". Dresdner Universitätsjournal. 2006.

Pradhan, B., R. P. Singh and M. F. Buchroithner "Estimation of Stress and its Use in Evaluation of Landslide-Prone Regions Using Remote Sensing Data". Advances in Space Research. 2006, 698-709.

Hecht, R., G. Meinel and M. F. Buchroithner "Estimation of Urban Green Volume-Based on Last-Pulse Lidar Data at Leaf-Off Aerial Flight Times". Proceedings of First Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Urban Remote Sensing, March 2nd-3rd 2006. Berlin. 2006.

Wälder, O. "Fortpflanzung der ”Unschärfe” von Messdaten auf abgeleitete differential-geometrische Größen". PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. 2006. 6.

Koch, W. G. "Friedrich Töpfer 80 Jahre". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2006, 93-.

Bollmann, J. and M. F. Buchroithner Geovisualisierung zwischen statischer Präsentation und dynamischer Interaktion.. Paper, 2006. 3 p.

Bolch, T. GIS- und fernerkundungsgestützte Analyse und Visualisierung von Klima- und Gletscheränderungen im nördlichen Tien Shan (Kasachstan/Kyrgyzstan) mit einem Vergleich zur Bernina-Gruppe/Alpen 2006.

Bolch, T. and U. Kamp Glacier Mapping in High Mountains using DEMs, Landsat andASTER Data. Paper, 2006. 12 p.

Bolch, T., U. Kamp and M. F. Buchroithner Glaciers from Space. Paper, 2006. 2 p.

Wolodtschenko, A. and I. N. Rotanova Kartograficheskie speckursy v vuzovskom obrazovanii: sovmestnyi rossijsko-nemeckij opyt. Paper, 2006. 3 p.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Kartosemiotische Vorlesungen an der Universität Vilnius". Diskussionsbeitraege zur Kartosemiotik und zur Theorie der Kartographie, Intern. Korrespondenz-Seminar. Technische Universität Dresden. 2006, 46.

Schmitz, G. et al. "Konzeption eines innovativen Mehrzweck-Fernerkundungssystems auf Basis eines motorgetriebenen Ultraleicht-Starrflüglers". Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des AK Fernerkundungsmethoden der DGPF, 19.5.06, Berlin. Berlin. 2006.

Faby, H. and W. G. Koch, Medienevolution, Kommunikation und Kartographie: Interdependenzen zwischen dem Wandel gesellschaftlicher Systeme, der Kartenherstellung und der Kartennutzung - Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie, 2006.

Buchroithner, M. F. et al., Morphometry-based mapping of debris-covered glaciers, 2006.

Buchroithner, M. F. and R. Keller Neue Alpenvereinskarten im Khan Tengri-Gebiet. Paper, 2006. 2 p.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Ob atlasnoi kartosemiotike.". Sbornik naukovyh prac, "Cartography and High School". Kiew. 2006, 9-14.

Koch, W. G. "On the issue of the Topographic Maps (Edition for the National Economy) of the GDR". Unverhau, D. (ed.). State Security and Mapping in the German Democratic Republic. Map Falsification as a Consequence of Excessive Secrecy?. Münster. 2006, 73-88.

Buchroithner, M. F. and T. Hahmann Planung und Design des Weitwanderweges "Kyrgyzstan Trail". Paper, 2006. 2 p.

Wolodtschenko, A. and T. Forner Prehistoric and early historic maps in Europe: Conception of Cd-Atlas. Paper, 2006. 3 p.

Dachsbacher, C., T. Bolch and M. Stamminger Procedural Reproduction of Terrain Textures with Geographic Data. Paper, 2006. 8 p.

Bolch, T. and S. Marchenko Significance of glaciers, rockglaciers, and ice-rich permafrost in the Northern Tien Shan as water towers under climate change conditions (in Englisch und Russisch). Paper, 2006. 13 p.

Wälder, O. and M. F. Buchroithner. "Statistical relief modelling with locally adaptive sequential wavelet-splines". Cartographica. 2006. 41/3.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Theoretical Cartography/Theoretical Cartography and Geoinformation". ICA News. 2006.

Persson, D., G. Gartner and M. F. Buchroithner Towards a Typology of Interactivity Functions for Visual Map Exploration. Paper, 2006. 18 p.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Towards potential of prehistoric maps". Cartosemiotics and Cartography. Proceedings, Joint Seminar of the ICA Commission on Theoretical Cartography and Cartographic Center of Vilnius University. Vilnius. 2006.

Scheinert, M. et al. "Vertical Crustal Deformations in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: Observation versus Model Prediction"., Fütterer, D.K., Damaske, D. Kleinschmidt, G. Miller, H. Tessensohn, F. (editors). Antarctica : Contributions to Global Earth Sciences. 1 udg., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2006, 357-360.

Koch, W. G. "Zahlreiche Stichworte zum Fachgebiet Kartographie". Brockhaus Enzyklopädie. Neuerscheinung udg., Mannheim/Leipzig. 2006.

Wolodtschenko, A. Zur Frage der Atlaskartosemiotik. Paper, 2006. 8 p.

Wolodtschenko, A. "Zur Frage der Kompetenzgrenzen der Kartosemiotik - Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie". Kriz, Karel (ed.). Kartographie als Kommunikationsmedium. (Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie, Vol. 17). 2006.

Koch, W. G. "Zur Problematik der Topographischen Karten (Ausgabe für die Volkswirtschaft) der DDR". Unverhau, D. (ed.). Kartenverfälschung als Folge übergroßer Geheimhaltung ? Eine Annäherung an das Thema Einflußnahme der Staatssicherheit auf das Kartenwesen der DDR.. aktualisierte Neuauflage udg., Münster. 2006, 81-98.

Fritsche, Mathias et al. "Impact of higher-order ionospheric terms on GPS estimates". Geophysical research letters. 2005. 32(23).

Dietrich, R., A. Rülke, and M. Scheinert. "Present-day vertical crustal deformations in West Greenland from repeated GPS observations". Geophysical Journal International. 2005, 163(3). 865-874.

Wendt, A. et al. "The response of the subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica, to tidal and atmospheric pressure forcing.". Geophysical Journal International. 2005, 161(1). 41-49.

Maas, Hans-Gerd. "Akquisition von 3D-GIS-Daten durch Flugzeug-Laserscanning". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2005, 55(1). 3-11.

Schwalbe, Ellen, Hans Gerd Maas and Frank Seidel. "3D building model generation from airborne laser scanner data using 2D GIS data and orthogonal point cloud projections". International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. 2005, 36. 209-214.

Koch, W. G. "4. Bericht der Kommission „Kartographische Terminologie“ über ihre Tätigkeit im Jahr 2004". Journal of cartography and geographic information - KN. 2005, 94-94.

Wälder, O. "A method for sequential thinning of digital raster terrain models II: mixed locally adaptive wavelet-splines and anisotropy". PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. 2005. 2.

Prechtel, N. and K. Londershausen. "Animating Geodata Exemplified by the Dresden “Altai-GIS”". PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. 2005. 1.