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11898 Activities
  1. 2004
  2. Intensificación del análisis conversacional en el eje paradigmático y sintágmatico

    Böhmer, H. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  3. Internationale Luftfahrtausstellung 2004

    ILK-Team (Participant)

    Activity: Organising or participating in an eventParticipating in an event

  4. Karl Gottlob v. Antons slavistische Studien

    Udolph, L. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  5. Kartographische Bausteine : KB (Journal)

    Koch, W. G. (Editor)

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work

  6. KiTa aktuell : Fachzeitschrift für Leitungen, Fachkräfte und Träger der Kindertagesbetreuung. Spezial (Journal)

    Kleber/Fette, S. /. (Editor)

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work

  7. Künstlerzeitschriften der DDR

    Mottel, H. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  8. La ambigüedad lingüística en los chistes

    Böhmer, H. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  9. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Journal)

    Baier, C. (Editor), Haverkort, B. R. (Editor), Hermanns, H. (Editor), Katoen, J. (Editor), Siegle, M. (Editor)

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work

  10. Legacy data transfer from the former system

    Schaefer, U. (Programme committee chair)

    Activity: Organising or participating in an eventOrganising an event